839 Scotch Proverbs / Page 20
381. He that spends his geir on a whore, hes both shame and skaith.
382. He that takes all his geir fra himself, and gives it to his bairns, it were weil ward to take a mell and knock out his hairns.
383. He that tholes, overcomes.
384. He that was born to be hang'd will never be drown'd.
385. He that will not hear motherhead, shall hear stepmotherhead.
386. He that will not when he may, shalt not when he wald.
387. He tint never a Cow, that grat for a needle.
388. He was scant of news, that told his father was hang'd.
389. Hea, will gar a deaf man hear.
390. Hear all parties.
391. Help thy self, and God will help thee.
392. Honesty is na pride.
393. Hoordom and grace, can never bide in one place.
394. Huly and fair men rides far journeys.
395. Hunger is good Kitchir-meat.
396. Hunger is hard in a heal man.
397. Hunting, hawking, and paramours, for one joy an hundred displeasures.
398. I cannot find you both tails and ears.
399. I have a good bow, but it is in the Castle.
400. I have a sliddery Eel by the tail.