839 Scotch Proverbs / Page 2
21. A foul foot makes a son wemb.
22. A friend in Court is worth a penny in purse.
23. A friend is not known but in need.
24. A friends Dinner is soon dight.
25. A full heart lied never.
26. A full seck will take a clout on the side.
27. A gangan foot is ay getting, and it were but a thorn.
28. A gentle Horse would not be over fair spur'd.
29. A given Horse should not be lookt in the teeth.
30. A gloved Cat was never a good Hunter.
31. A good asker should have a good nay-say.
32. A good beginning makes a good ending.
33. A good Cow may have an ill Calf.
34. A good dog never barkt but a bene.
35. A good fellow tint never, but at an ill fellows hand.
36. A good Goose indeed, but she hes an ill gansell.
37. A good piece steil is worth a penny.
38. A good ruser was never a good rider.
39. A good word is as soon said as an ill.
40. A good yeoman makes a good woman.