1012 Russian Proverbs / Page 50
981. You cannot make a soft bed for everyone.
982. You cannot please everybody.
983. You cannot pull a fish out of the pond without work.
984. You cannot ride two horses with one ass.
985. You cannot sew buttons on your neighbor's mouth.
986. You cannot throw a word out of a song.
987. You could even hew sticks on head.
988. You do not drink soup with a knife.
989. You do not need a whip to urge on an obedient horse.
990. You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.
991. You do not swap horses while crossing the ford.
992. You don't get a headache from what other people have drunk.
993. You don't get something for nothing.
994. You don't learn anything from buying, but you do from selling.
995. You don't milk a cow with your hands in your pockets.
996. You get to really know your friend when trouble comes.
997. You get used to everything -- even hell.
998. You have summer and you have winter -- why, then, be in a hurry?
999. You heard the ring, but don't know where.
1000. You know a bird from the way he flies.