1012 Russian Proverbs / Page 4
61. A mile walked with a friend has only one hundred steps.
62. A net will catch more than a pole.
63. A new broom sweeps in a new way.
64. A nightingale doesn't feed on songs.
65. A Party member is an active person.
66. A person never gets tired working for himself.
67. A pessimist is a well-informed optimist.
68. A pig in a parlor is still a pig.
69. A pig will find mud.
70. A priest's beard is always soaked in butter.
71. A priest's belly is made up of several sheepskins.
72. A proverb can't be judged.
73. A ruler without a nation is like a flower without the sun.
74. A sea will not dry up, a nation will not get lost.
75. A silent man is not a conquered man.
76. A sin of gold is followed by a punishment of lead.
77. A single Russian hair outweighs half a Pole.
78. A sleeping fox counts chicken in his dreams.
79. A smart person will not climb a mountain; A smart person will go around it.
80. A soldier on furlough lets his shirt hang out of his trousers.