1012 Russian Proverbs / Page 14
261. Don't worry if you borrow, but worry if you lend.
262. Drowing man clutches at straw.
263. Each day learns from the one before it, but no day teaches the one after it.
264. Each time it is different.
265. Ears do not grow higher than the head.
266. Eat until you are half full; drink until you are half drunk.
267. Eat what is cooked, listen to what is said.
268. Eat what is cooked; listen to what is said.
269. Eggs cannot teach a hen.
270. Eggs don't teach the hens anything.
271. Either chest in crosses, or a head in bushes.
272. Elder-berry is in the kitchen-garden, therefore your Uncle is in Kiev.
273. Elderberries in the yard and an uncle in kiev.
274. Envy can breed swans from bad duck eggs.
275. Envy sees the sea but not the rocks.
276. Eternal peace lasts only until the next war.
277. Eternal peace lasts until the next war.
278. Eternity makes room for a salty cucumber.
279. Even a blind pig finds an acorn every once in awhile.
280. Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn sometimes.