World Proverbs / Portuguese Proverbs

Proverb Origin: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

1032 Portuguese Proverbs / Page 9

161. Better to be queen for an hour than a countess for life.. Portuguese Proverb. Better to be queen for an hour than a countess for life.

162. Better to have friends in the marketplace than money in your coffers.. Portuguese Proverb. Better to have friends in the marketplace than money in your coffers.

163. Between husband and wife, one doesn't put the spoon.. Portuguese Proverb. Between husband and wife, one doesn't put the spoon.

164. Between smith and smith no money passes.. Portuguese Proverb. Between smith and smith no money passes.

165. Between the hand and the lip the morsel may slip.. Portuguese Proverb. Between the hand and the lip the morsel may slip.

166. Between the hand and the mouth the soup is lost.. Portuguese Proverb. Between the hand and the mouth the soup is lost.

167. Beware of a bad woman, and put no trust in a good one.. Portuguese Proverb. Beware of a bad woman, and put no trust in a good one.

168. Beware of a door that has many keys.. Portuguese Proverb. Beware of a door that has many keys.

169. Beware of a man that does not talk, and of a dog that does not bark.. Portuguese Proverb. Beware of a man that does not talk, and of a dog that does not bark.

170. Beware of a pledge that eats.. Portuguese Proverb. Beware of a pledge that eats.

171. Beware of silent dogs and still waters.. Portuguese Proverb. Beware of silent dogs and still waters.

172. Beware of the dog that does not bark.. Portuguese Proverb. Beware of the dog that does not bark.

173. Beware of the door with too many keys.. Portuguese Proverb. Beware of the door with too many keys.

174. Big fish are fished in big rivers.. Portuguese Proverb. Big fish are fished in big rivers.

175. Big walks, big lies.. Portuguese Proverb. Big walks, big lies.

176. Birds of prey do not flock together.. Portuguese Proverb. Birds of prey do not flock together.

177. Bite the biter.. Portuguese Proverb. Bite the biter.

178. Bleed him, purge him, and if he dies, bury him.. Portuguese Proverb. Bleed him, purge him, and if he dies, bury him.

179. Blessed are the dead that the rain rains on.. Portuguese Proverb. Blessed are the dead that the rain rains on.

180. Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.. Portuguese Proverb. Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.

1032 Portuguese Proverbs, Page 9 of 52
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