1032 Portuguese Proverbs / Page 6
101. An angry man heeds no counsel.
102. An empty purse and a new house make a man wise, but too late.
103. An empty purse frights away friends.
104. An empty purse, and a finished house, make a man wise, but too late.
105. An estate inherited is the less valued.
106. An healthy mind for an healthy body.
107. An honest man's word is as good as the king's.
108. An hour of play discovers more than a year of conversation does.
109. An innocent heart suspects no guile.
110. An old man in love is like a flower in winter.
111. An old monkey will not stick his hand into a jar.
112. An open box tempts an honest man.
113. An open countenance often conceals close thoughts.
114. Another man's trade costs money.
115. Another's bread costs dear.
116. Another's misfortune does not cure my pain.
117. Appearances are deceiving.
118. As the king lives, so live his vassals.
119. As they pipe to me, I will dance.
120. At night all cats are brown.