1032 Portuguese Proverbs / Page 51
1001. Will he nill he, the ass must go the fair.
1002. Win a bet of your friend, and drink it on the spot.
1003. Wind and fortune are not lasting.
1004. Wipe the nose of your neighbour's son, and marry him to your daughter.
1005. Wipe your sore eye with your elbow.
1006. With iron you hurt, with iron youŽll get hurt.
1007. Wolf doesn't eat wolf.
1008. Woman, wind, and luck soon change.
1009. Women and glass are always in danger.
1010. Women and glasses are always in danger.
1011. Women are always better the following year.
1012. Women are supernumerary when present, and missed when absent.
1013. Words, cast them to the wind.
1014. Work done expects money.
1015. Work expands so as to fill the time available.
1016. Would you have me serve you, good king, give me the means of living.
1017. Would you have potatoes grow by the pot-side?
1018. Would you know your daughter? See her in company.
1019. You can't make a good shaft of a pig's tail.
1020. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.