1032 Portuguese Proverbs / Page 42
821. The mistress is queen, the wife is the slave.
822. The mother-in-law does not remember that she was once a daughter-in-law.
823. The mouth that says "Yes," can say "No."
824. The nest made, the bird dead.
825. The night is good counsellor.
826. The old saints are forgotten in the new.
827. The one in a hurry, will have a raw and hot meal.
828. The one who kneeled, must pray.
829. The one who left, lost his place.
830. The one-eyes is a king in the land of the blind.
831. The only good Indian is a dead Indian.
832. The only good thing that comes from the east is the sun.
833. The opportunity makes the thief.
834. The owner´s eye fattens the horse.
835. The ox that tossed me threw me into a good place.
836. The person who is well prepared has already won half of the battle.
837. The pitcher that goes often to the well leaves either its handle or its spout there.
838. The poor man eats at double cost.
839. The pot that boils too much loses its flavour.
840. The queen bee has no sting.