1032 Portuguese Proverbs / Page 33
641. Nothing falls into the mouth of a sleeping fox.
642. Of a given horse, one shouldn't check the teeth.
643. Of doctor and crazy, we all have a little.
644. Of evils, choose the least.
645. Of oil, wine, and friends, the oldest.
646. Of soup and love, the first is the best.
647. Of the good man a good pledge, and of the bad neither pledge nor surety.
648. Of two cowards, the one who attacks conquers the other.
649. Old donkeys do not learn languages.
650. Old horse doesn't learn how to walk.
651. Old monkeys don't put their hand in jars.
652. On a fool's beard all learn to shave.
653. One bird in the hand is worth two flying.
654. One doesn't examine the teeth of a gift horse.
655. One fool makes a hundred.
656. One good word puts out the flames better than a bucket of water.
657. One grain does not full the granary, but it helps its companion.
658. One hand washes the other and both of them wash the face.
659. One knows where the shoes hurt.
660. One misfortune brings on another.