1032 Portuguese Proverbs / Page 18
341. God heals, and the doctor gets the money.
342. God helps him who wakes up early at dawn.
343. God helps them that help themselves.
344. God helps those who help themselves.
345. God permits, but not for ever.
346. God writes straight by broken lines.
347. Good and bad make up a city.
348. Good and quickly seldom meet.
349. Good fruit never comes from a bad tree.
350. Good habits result from resisting temptation.
351. Good is the delay which makes sure.
352. Good management is better than good income.
353. Good manners and plenty of money will make my son a gentlemen.
354. Good men are scarce.
355. Good news is rumoured and bad news flies.
356. Good table, bad will.
357. Good take heed doth surely speed.
358. Good talk saves the food.
359. Good things come in small packages.
360. Good tree, good fruits.