1032 Portuguese Proverbs / Page 16
301. Friends are flowers in the garden of life.
302. Friends are friends, business are business.
303. Friends are known in adversity.
304. From a closed door the devil turns away.
305. From dissension, the light is born.
306. From evil, the less.
307. From great rivers come great fish.
308. From plate to mouth you miss the soup.
309. From several possible events, the less worse happened.
310. From Spain can come neither good winds nor good marriages.
311. From the soldier who has no cloak, keep your own in your chest.
312. From the straws in the air we judge of the wind.
313. From the sublime to the ridiculous is only one step.
314. From the sweetest wine, the tartest vinegar.
315. Frost on the mutt, water on the bed.
316. Gain has a pleasant odour, come whence it will.
317. Gambling sire, gambling son.
318. Get a good name and go to sleep.
319. Get a name to rise early, and you may lie all day.
320. Gifts break rocks.