451 Nigerian Proverbs / Page 8
141. He who does not lose his way by night will not lose his way by day.
142. He who does not mend his clothes will soon have none.
143. He who has people is richer than he who has money.
144. He who is afraid of doing too much always does too little.
145. He who is called a man must behave like a man.
146. He who is courteous is not a fool.
147. He who is sick will not refuse medicine.
148. He who lives in the attic knows where the roof leaks.
149. He who marries a beauty marries trouble.
150. He who pursues an innocent chicken always stumbles.
151. He who runs from the white ant may stumble upon the stinging ant.
152. He who waits for a chance may wait for a long time.
153. He who wishes to barter, does not like his belongings.
154. He whose throat is longer than his arm must pray constantly for gods' protection.
155. Hold a true friend with both your hands.
156. Hold on to a true friend with both hands.
157. Horns do not grow before the head.
158. How can man be remembered when the giant trees in the forest are soon forgotten.
159. However far the stream flows, it never forgets its source.
160. However hard a thing is thrown into the air, it always falls to the ground.