298 Mexican Proverbs / Page 5
81. He who divides and shares is left with the best share.
82. He who does not honor his wife dishonors himself.
83. He who does not intend to pay is not troubled in making his bargain.
84. He who does not praise a thing is he who buys it.
85. He who does not venture has no luck.
86. He who doesn't look ahead remains behind.
87. He who doesn't speak will get no help from God.
88. He who doesn't speak-up is never heard.
89. He who follows his own advice must take the consequences.
90. He who gets drenched at dawn has the rest of the day to dry out.
91. He who gives what he can is no further obligated.
92. He who grabs much grasps little.
93. He who has a hundred and one pesos, and owes a hundred and two, let him commend himself to god.
94. He who is a parrot is green wherever he is.
95. He who is accustomed to evil is offended by good.
96. He who is anxious to secure the best tends to get stuck with the worst of the rest.
97. He who is ignorant at home is ignorant abroad.
98. He who keeps a secret prevents much mischief.
99. He who knows nothing neither doubts nor fears anything.
100. He who lingers around will hear bad things spoken about him.