World Proverbs / Latin Proverbs

Proverb Origin: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

2105 Latin Proverbs / Page 93

1841. Under the rose.. Latin Proverb. Under the rose.

1842. Unequalled in the smallest matters.. Latin Proverb. Unequalled in the smallest matters.

1843. Unless what we do is useful, glory is vain.. Latin Proverb. Unless what we do is useful, glory is vain.

1844. Urge the horse close to the turning-post.. Latin Proverb. Urge the horse close to the turning-post.

1845. Use not coercive measures against those in authority.. Latin Proverb. Use not coercive measures against those in authority.

1846. Valour acquires strength by union.. Latin Proverb. Valour acquires strength by union.

1847. Valour even in an enemy is worthy of praise.. Latin Proverb. Valour even in an enemy is worthy of praise.

1848. Vengeance is slow, but stern.. Latin Proverb. Vengeance is slow, but stern.

1849. Venture a small fish to catch a great one.. Latin Proverb. Venture a small fish to catch a great one.

1850. Vice is nourished by concealment.. Latin Proverb. Vice is nourished by concealment.

1851. Vices creep into our hearts under the name of virtue.. Latin Proverb. Vices creep into our hearts under the name of virtue.

1852. Viper produces viper.. Latin Proverb. Viper produces viper.

1853. Virtue and valour rejoice in being put to the test.. Latin Proverb. Virtue and valour rejoice in being put to the test.

1854. Virtue our leader, fortune our companion.. Latin Proverb. Virtue our leader, fortune our companion.

1855. Virtue, which parleys, is near a surrender.. Latin Proverb. Virtue, which parleys, is near a surrender.

1856. Walk on your own lands.. Latin Proverb. Walk on your own lands.

1857. Walk softly but carry a big stick.. Latin Proverb. Walk softly but carry a big stick.

1858. Want all lose all.. Latin Proverb. Want all lose all.

1859. War appears pleasant to those who have never experienced it.. Latin Proverb. War appears pleasant to those who have never experienced it.

1860. War gives no opportunity for repeating a mistake.. Latin Proverb. War gives no opportunity for repeating a mistake.

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