2105 Latin Proverbs / Page 88
1741. They build houses but shall not inhabit them.
1742. They can do least who boast loudest.
1743. They cease to be friends who dwell afar off.
1744. They fight with tweezers, not swords.
1745. They fought with varying success.
1746. They found no fault with Time, save that he fled.
1747. They give, to find a pretext for asking.
1748. They laugh till they cry.
1749. They limit their expenditure where it is not needed, and are ever lavish of that of which they should be sparing.
1750. They look at the greens, but steal the bacon.
1751. They marry under bad auspices who marry in the month of May.
1752. They understand each other, like thieves at a fair.
1753. They who are thirsty drink in silence.
1754. Thief knows thief, and wolf knows wolf.
1755. Thieves dread a commotion.
1756. Things beyond our reach are not worth our consideration.
1757. Things coming from afar are most esteemed.
1758. Things hardly attained are the longer retained.
1759. Things hatched in discord are not speedily terminated.
1760. Things past cannot be recalled.