2105 Latin Proverbs / Page 7
121. A plank in a wreck.
122. A poor cask often holds good wine.
123. A poor joke must invent its own laughter.
124. A precipice in front of you, and wolves behind you; that is life.
125. A precipice is in front, a wolf behind.
126. A prospering man should remain at home.
127. A rich man is either a rogue or a rogue's heir.
128. A ridiculous accident has often been the making of many.
129. A ring of gold in a sow's nostril.
130. A rising tide lifts all boats.
131. A rogue says "Yes" to what a rogue says.
132. A rose is a rose is a rose.
133. A rotten egg cannot be spoiled.
134. A sceptre is one thing, a ladle another.
135. A service done to the unwilling is no service.
136. A sick mind cannot endure any harshness.
137. A silent woman is always more admired than a noisy one.
138. A slave yesterday, to-day a freedman.
139. A slice off a cut loaf isn't missed.
140. A small competence is best.