2105 Latin Proverbs / Page 64
1261. Nothing reaches the intellect before making its appearance in the senses.
1262. Nothing, however small, is to be irritated.
1263. Nourish not a lion's whelp.
1264. Nourish the whelps of a wolf.
1265. Novelty always appears handsome.
1266. Novelty in all things is charming.
1267. Now a layman, to-morrow a clerk.
1268. Now I have got a ewe and a lamb, Every one cries, "Welcome, Peter."
1269. Now it rains, and again the sun shines forth brightly in the heavens.
1270. Now my resources are reduced to a narrow compass.
1271. O ancient house, by what a different master are you presided over.
1272. Obedience is the mother of happiness.
1273. Obey orders, if you break owners.
1274. Observe decorum even in your sport.
1275. Obstinately to justify a fault is a second fault.
1276. Occupy yourself, and you will be out of harm's way.
1277. Of no sort of good to himself, or to anybody else.
1278. Of no worldly good can the joy be perfect, unless it is shared by a friend.
1279. Of two evils the least is always to be chosen.
1280. Offer not the right hand of friendship to every one.