World Proverbs / Latin Proverbs

Proverb Origin: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

2105 Latin Proverbs / Page 38

741. He who has great strength should use it lightly.. Latin Proverb. He who has great strength should use it lightly.

742. He who has once used deception will deceive again.. Latin Proverb. He who has once used deception will deceive again.

743. He who has plenty of pepper may season his food as he likes.. Latin Proverb. He who has plenty of pepper may season his food as he likes.

744. He who has received a kindness forgets it; he who has been injured remembers it.. Latin Proverb. He who has received a kindness forgets it; he who has been injured remembers it.

745. He who has tried it, is afraid of it.. Latin Proverb. He who has tried it, is afraid of it.

746. He who hastens to be rich will not be without fault.. Latin Proverb. He who hastens to be rich will not be without fault.

747. He who hastens too much stumbles and falls.. Latin Proverb. He who hastens too much stumbles and falls.

748. He who hath lost his good name how shall he in future gain his living.. Latin Proverb. He who hath lost his good name how shall he in future gain his living.

749. He who hath much peas may put the more in the pot.. Latin Proverb. He who hath much peas may put the more in the pot.

750. He who increases knowledge, increases sorrow.. Latin Proverb. He who increases knowledge, increases sorrow.

751. He who is first in time has the prior right.. Latin Proverb. He who is first in time has the prior right.

752. He who is in love with himself need fear no rival.. Latin Proverb. He who is in love with himself need fear no rival.

753. He who is not lucky, let him not go to sea.. Latin Proverb. He who is not lucky, let him not go to sea.

754. He who knows not how to employ his leisure hath more cares on his mind than the most busy of busily-engaged men.. Latin Proverb. He who knows not how to employ his leisure hath more cares on his mind than the most busy of busily-engaged men.

755. He who lies on the ground cannot fall.. Latin Proverb. He who lies on the ground cannot fall.

756. He who lives by medical treatment has but a wretched existence.. Latin Proverb. He who lives by medical treatment has but a wretched existence.

757. He who loves a one-eyed girl thinks that one-eyed girls are beautiful.. Latin Proverb. He who loves a one-eyed girl thinks that one-eyed girls are beautiful.

758. He who makes too much haste gains his end later.. Latin Proverb. He who makes too much haste gains his end later.

759. He who owes nothing fears not the sheriff's officer.. Latin Proverb. He who owes nothing fears not the sheriff's officer.

760. He who oweth is all in the wrong.. Latin Proverb. He who oweth is all in the wrong.

2105 Latin Proverbs, Page 38 of 106
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