2105 Latin Proverbs / Page 33
641. He drives out one devil by another.
642. He either wheedles by suasive means or terrifies by threats.
643. He even begrudges the water with which he washes.
644. He falls into the pit which he himself made.
645. He falls short of his duty to both who tries to serve two masters.
646. He fears neither the earthquake nor the fury of the waves.
647. He fears the very flies.
648. He feigns death like a panther.
649. He fell to-day, I may fall to-morrow.
650. He fights with spirit as well as with the sword.
651. He fishes in troubled waters.
652. He fishes well who uses a golden hook.
653. He flourishes by hereditary renown.
654. He forgets himself.
655. He gets his wisdom cheaply who gets it at another's cost.
656. He getteth a great deal of credit, who payeth but a small debt.
657. He gives neither too little, nor too much.
658. He gives too late who waits to be asked.
659. He gives well and bountifully who accompanies the gift with a pleasing look.
660. He giveth twice who giveth in a trice.