154 Kurdish Proverbs / Page 8
141. When a cat wants to eat her kittens, she says they look like mice.
142. When it is spring time, the grass will even grow under a big stone.
143. When Madame drops her cup of tea it makes no noise.
144. When the money starts to glitter and clink, even a Mullah will leave the mosque.
145. Whoever digs a pit for his neighbor should dig it his own size.
146. Whoever is fond of cream should should take the cow around with him.
147. Whoever speaks evil to you of others will speak evil of you to others.
148. Wish well, be well.
149. With a mule you have a son, with a son-in-law you only have a mule.
150. With fortune on your side you can sow salt and harvest grass.
151. With patience, mulberry leaves become satin.
152. Wood can only be split with a wedge that is cut from its own tree.
153. Work as if you were to live forever; live as if you were to die tomorrow.
154. Your son can be a prince, your daughter will be a mother.