777 Japanese Proverbs / Page 23
441. No one was ever hurt by laughter.
442. No road is too long in the company of a friend.
443. Not to know is to be a Buddha.
444. Not-speaking is the flower.
445. Nothing so visible than what you want to hide.
446. Obey the customs of the village you enter.
447. Old age cures us of our youth.
448. Old horses don't forget the way.
449. Old people are everyone's treasures.
450. Once conquered -- always a traitor.
451. Once dead the good and the bad are covered by the same moss.
452. Once we meet and talk, we are brothers and sisters.
453. Once you have made a fortune, know how to spend it.
454. One can stand still in a flowing stream, but not in a world of men.
455. One cannot always find a fish under a willow.
456. One cannot become a priest just by having a rosary.
457. One cannot quarrel without an opponent.
458. One cannot scoop up the ocean with a sea shell.
459. One coin saved, a hundred losses.
460. One dog yelping at nothing will set ten thousand straining at their collars.