777 Japanese Proverbs / Page 17
321. If the fountainhead is clear, the stream will be clear.
322. If the skin of your belly is tight, the skin of your eyelids can sleep.
323. If there is a lid that doesn't fit, then there is a lid that does. To a person that does not wander, there is not enlightenment. Fall seven times, stand up eight.
324. If unreason comes, reason goes.
325. If you are eager to be in the shadow, leave your axe at home.
326. If you are going out for a fight leave your best hat at home.
327. If you are going to fall it's muddy everywhere.
328. If you are going to sit on it for three years, the seat will certainly get warm.
329. If you are in a boat you are more afraid of fire than you are of water.
330. If you are looking for bad luck, you will soon find it.
331. If you are travelling towards the East, you will inevitably move away from the West.
332. If you beat even new floor mats, dirt will come out.
333. If you become a dog, turn into the dog of a wealthy family.
334. If you believe everything you read, you had better not read.
335. If you carry treasure, don't travel at night.
336. If you hate a man, let him live.
337. If you have no one else, then confer with your knee.
338. If you have only two pennies left in the world, with the first penny, you should buy rice to feed your family. With the second penny, say the wise Japanese, you should buy a lily. The Japanese understand the importance of dreaming...
339. If you look up, there are no limits.
340. If you love your son, let him travel.