777 Japanese Proverbs / Page 10
181. Don't try to cover the stone with a quilt.
182. Drink and sing: the dark night is ahead of us.
183. Due to the presence of fools wise people stand out.
184. Dumplings are better than flowers.
185. Duty is heavy as a mountain but Death is lighter than a feather.
186. Duty knows no family.
187. Each day you can admire the moon, the snow and the flowers.
188. Each has his yang chi.
189. Earthquakes, thunderbolts, fires, fathers.
190. Eat before falling in love.
191. Eggplants do not grow on melon vines.
192. Eggs and promises are easily broken.
193. Eggs and vows are easily broken.
194. Entering the village, obey the village.
195. Even a fool has one talent.
196. Even a fool knows the glow of gold.
197. Even a one-inch insect has a half-inch soul.
198. Even a sheet of paper has two sides.
199. Even a superb hawk will not catch game unless it is loosed.
200. Even a thief takes ten years to learn his trade.