2053 Italian Proverbs / Page 20
381. Credit lost is like a broken looking-glass.
382. Crimes may be secret, yet not secure.
383. Criminals are punished, that others may be amended.
384. Criticizing another's garden doesn't keep the weeds out of your own.
385. Crooked by nature is never made straight by education.
386. Crows weep for the dead lamb then devour him.
387. Cunning men's cloaks sometimes fall.
388. Curses are like processions: they return to whence they set out.
389. Cut off the dog's tail, he remains a dog.
390. Dearth foreseen never came.
391. Death will find me alive.
392. Delays are dangerous.
393. Deliberate before you act.
394. Different times different manners.
395. Dirty water does not wash clean.
396. Dirty water will quench fire.
397. Diseases are the visits of God.
398. Do good, and care not to whom.
399. Do no evil and have no fear.
400. Do not give the dog bread every time he wags his tail.