2053 Italian Proverbs / Page 14
261. As the snow melts the filth shows through.
262. As you would have a daughter so choose a wife.
263. Ask my chum if I am a thief.
264. Ask my companion if I be a thief.
265. Ask which was born first, the hen or the egg.
266. Asking costs little.
267. Associate with the good and you will be one of them.
268. Assurance is two-thirds success.
269. At a dangerous passage yield precedence.
270. At a good bargain pause and ponder.
271. At a great pennyworth pause awhile.
272. At a great river be the last to pass.
273. At a round table there is no dispute about place.
274. At an open chest the righteous sins.
275. At last the foxes all meet at the furrier's.
276. At table bashfulness is out of place.
277. At the end of the game we see who wins.
278. At the end of the game you'll see who's the winner.
279. At the end of the game, the pawn and the king go back in the same box.
280. At the end of the work you may judge of the workmen.