832 Hungarian Proverbs / Page 26
501. It is not all, always mallow.
502. It is not good to eat cherries from the same dish with persons of high rank.
503. It is not good to paint the devil on the wall.
504. It is not good to play with the fire.
505. It is taken by turns like village headmanship.
506. It was a difficult childbirth.
507. It was baked too late.
508. It was needed as a Slovak glazier needed falling on his back.
509. It went into smoke.
510. It will be what will be.
511. It will happen when the Danube reverts its course or dries up.
512. It will not last longer than frying an egg.
513. It will soon show which milk will yield a good curd.
514. It's easy to take Kati to the dance, if she is also willing.
515. It's hard to dance in chains.
516. It's natural to have some disagreement between husband and wife.
517. Its smoke is bigger than the flame.
518. Just because a loan is old, that does not make it a gift.
519. Kings Matthias is dead, justice is lost.
520. Knowledge is power.