343 Hebrew Proverbs / Page 14
261. There are all kinds of people in the world: asses and mules, dogs and hogs, and also worms.
262. There are no bad beasts except man.
263. There are people who deserve paradise for their thoughts, and hell for their deeds.
264. There are seventy ways of interpreting the bible.
265. There are three crowns: bible, priesthood, royalty. but the crown of a good name surpasses them all.
266. There are three people whose lives are unworthy - the overly compassionate, the hot-tempered, and the hypercritical.
267. There are three things that attract: a house for its inhabitants, a woman for her spouse, and a bargain for a customer.
268. There is no greater beauty than that of logic.
269. There is no such thing as tasty medicine.
270. There is no vice that does not occasionally have some benefit, and no virtue that at times is not hurtful to some people.
271. There is nothing better than a good reputation.
272. There is one moral duty that moralists underrate almost criminally - the duty to enjoy god's world.
273. There's no rain without thunder, and no children born without pain.
274. These three are the marks of a Jew--a tender heart, self-respect, and charity.
275. Those who train themselves in wisdom cultivate true courage.
276. Three need to be guarded: a patient, a groom, and a bride.
277. Three rebel against the light: the thief, the adulterer, and the bat.
278. Three things are good in small doses and bad in big ones: yeast, salt, and hesitation.
279. Three things have a flavor of the world to come: sabbath, the sun, and married love.
280. Three things please a man: a lovely home, a lovely wife, and lovely possessions.