2263 German Proverbs / Page 35
681. He struck at Tib, but down fell Tim.
682. He that always thinks it is too soon is sure to come too late.
683. He that asketh faintly beggeth a denial.
684. He that climbs high, falls heavily.
685. He that finds fault wants to buy.
686. He that has good legs, has often bad boots.
687. He that has lost his credit is dead to the world.
688. He that has no head, need no hat.
689. He that hunts others, must run himself.
690. He that is born to be hanged will never be drowned.
691. He that is busy is tempted but by one devil, he that is idle by a legion.
692. He that marries for love has good nights, but sorry days.
693. He that may not as he wad, maun do as he may.
694. He that peeps into every bush will hardly get into the wood.
695. He that pelts every barking dog, must pick up a great many stones.
696. He that picks up all sorts of wood, soon gets an armful.
697. He that says A, must also say B.
698. He that sits among reeds, cuts pipes when he pleases.
699. He that wants the kernel must crack the nut.
700. He that wants to eat the kernel must crack the nut.