2263 German Proverbs / Page 23
441. Don't get mad, get even.
442. Don't learn too much, Jack, else you must do a great deal.
443. Don't let your tongue say what your head may have to pay for.
444. Don't make a mouse of yourself, or else you will be eaten by cats.
445. Don't reckon without your host.
446. Don't sell the bear-skin before you have killed the bear.
447. Don't throw away your dirty water till you have got clean.
448. Don't throw away your old shoes until you have a new pair.
449. Dreams are froth.
450. Drink makes you forget your sorrow; but only, alas, until tomorrow.
451. Drink upon salad costs the doctor a ducat; drink upon eggs costs him two.
452. Drinking a little too much is drinking a great deal too much.
453. Drive a rat into a corner, and he'll jump at you.
454. Drive gently over the stones.
455. Drive not a second nail till the first be clinched.
456. Drunk sweetly, paid sourly.
457. Ducats are clipped, pence are not.
458. Ducks quack loudly before a rain.
459. Dumb dogs and still water are dangerous.
460. Dwarfs see giants everywhere.