2214 French Proverbs / Page 16
301. All of the Earth's treasures can't bring back a lost moment.
302. All state, and nothing on the plate.
303. All the keys do not hang at one girdle.
304. All the treasures of earth cannot bring back one lost moment.
305. All the treasures of the earth can't bring back one lost moment.
306. All truths are not good to be uttered.
307. All's well that ends well.
308. Always in love, never married.
309. Always say no, and you will never be married.
310. Always talk big and you will never be forgotten.
311. An apothecary ought not to be long a cuckold.
312. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
313. An apple, an egg, and a nut, You may eat after a slut.
314. An army marches on its stomach.
315. An art requires a whole man.
316. An ass does not stumble twice over the same stone.
317. An easy shepherd makes the wolf void wool.
318. An eel escapes from a good fisherman.
319. An enemy does not sleep.
320. An enemy may chance to give good counsel.