World Proverbs / Finnish Proverbs

Proverb Origin: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

188 Finnish Proverbs / Page 6

101. Love is a garden full of flowers and marriage is a field of stinging nettles.. Finnish Proverb. Love is a garden full of flowers and marriage is a field of stinging nettles.

102. Many cakes are beautiful on the surface, but have crappy fillings.. Finnish Proverb. Many cakes are beautiful on the surface, but have crappy fillings.

103. Money talks all the way to heaven's door.. Finnish Proverb. Money talks all the way to heaven's door.

104. Money's for buying and a horse is for riding.. Finnish Proverb. Money's for buying and a horse is for riding.

105. Never judge a reindeer from close by when you got it from a rich man because you may find that some of the antlers are missing.. Finnish Proverb. Never judge a reindeer from close by when you got it from a rich man because you may find that some of the antlers are missing.

106. Never leave a mate behind.. Finnish Proverb. Never leave a mate behind.

107. No matter how misbehaved a child, the parents will accept.. Finnish Proverb. No matter how misbehaved a child, the parents will accept.

108. No need to plough and sow madmen, they grow by themselves.. Finnish Proverb. No need to plough and sow madmen, they grow by themselves.

109. No one can be an expected to be an expert at something before they have got the chance to practice it.. Finnish Proverb. No one can be an expected to be an expert at something before they have got the chance to practice it.

110. No one can climb a tree with no branches.. Finnish Proverb. No one can climb a tree with no branches.

111. No one is a blacksmith when they are born.. Finnish Proverb. No one is a blacksmith when they are born.

112. No use crying at the market, sell your fur coat and drink the money.. Finnish Proverb. No use crying at the market, sell your fur coat and drink the money.

113. On the gallows, the first night is the worst.. Finnish Proverb. On the gallows, the first night is the worst.

114. One cannot ski so softly that the tracks cannot be seen.. Finnish Proverb. One cannot ski so softly that the tracks cannot be seen.

115. One sleeps like one makes his bed.. Finnish Proverb. One sleeps like one makes his bed.

116. One stupid person asks more than ten wise ones can spare time answering.. Finnish Proverb. One stupid person asks more than ten wise ones can spare time answering.

117. One time after the denial.. Finnish Proverb. One time after the denial.

118. One year ages the old, two years grow a child.. Finnish Proverb. One year ages the old, two years grow a child.

119. Other land blueberry; own land strawberry.. Finnish Proverb. Other land blueberry; own land strawberry.

120. Own home is worth gold.. Finnish Proverb. Own home is worth gold.

188 Finnish Proverbs, Page 6 of 10
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