1609 English Proverbs / Page 80
1581. You don't get something for nothing.
1582. You get what you pay for.
1583. You have to break a few eggs to make an omelette.
1584. You have to crawl before you can walk.
1585. You have to take the good with the bad.
1586. You lose some... and you win some... and some you don't even bother to play.
1587. You may find the worst enemy or best friend in yourself.
1588. You may find your best friend or your worst enemy in yourself.
1589. You may find your worst enemy or best friend in yourself.
1590. You may poke a man's fire after you've known him for seven years.
1591. You must look where it is not as well as where it is.
1592. You must lose a fly to catch a trout.
1593. You must not expect old heads upon young shoulders.
1594. You need to bait the hook to catch the fish.
1595. You never know what you can do till you try.
1596. You never know what you've got till it's gone.
1597. You never miss a slice from a cut loaf.
1598. You never miss the water till the well runs dry.
1599. You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.
1600. You should lie down with the lamb and rise with the lark.