1386 Dutch Proverbs / Page 66
1301. When two quarrel both are in the wrong.
1302. When two quarrel, both are to blame.
1303. When Want comes in at the door, Love flies out at the window.
1304. When we least expect it, the hare darts out of the ditch.
1305. Where a man feels pain he lays his hand.
1306. Where poverty comes in at the door, loves flies out at the window.
1307. Where the bee sucks honey the spider sucks poison.
1308. Where the bird was hatched it haunts.
1309. Where the dike is lowest the water first runs over.
1310. Where the hedge is lowest every one goes over.
1311. Where there is nothing, the Emperor loses his right.
1312. Where there's a will, there is a way.
1313. Where there's no good within, no good comes out.
1314. While the grass grows, the steed starves.
1315. Whilst doing one learns.
1316. Who buys wants a hundred eyes, who sells need have but one.
1317. Who can escape envy and blame, that speaks or writes for public fame?
1318. Who chastises his child will be honoured by him, who chastises him not will be shamed.
1319. Who comes first, grinds first.
1320. Who does well, meets goodwill.