1386 Dutch Proverbs / Page 53
1041. The best horse stumbles sometimes.
1042. The best pilots are ashore.
1043. The better lawyer, the worse Christian.
1044. The better the day, the better the deed.
1045. The blood creeps where it can't go.
1046. The boor looks after a cent as the devil after a soul.
1047. The bow must not be always bent.
1048. The candle that goes before gives the best light.
1049. The clock ticks nowhere else the way it does at home.
1050. The cost is high of the honey that must be licked from thorns.
1051. The counterfeit image of a pot with two ears.
1052. The cow does not know the value of her tail till she has lost it.
1053. The cow gives good milk, but kicks over the pail.
1054. The death of one person means bread for another.
1055. The desire is the father of the thought.
1056. The devil has his martyrs among men.
1057. The devil is not so black as he is painted.
1058. The devil sits behind the cross.
1059. The devil take the hindmost.
1060. The devil's in the cards, said Sam, four aces and not a single trump.