1386 Dutch Proverbs / Page 35
681. It is good to sleep in a whole skin.
682. It is good to warm oneself by another's fire.
683. It is hard for an empty bag to stand upright.
684. It is hard to blow with a full mouth.
685. It is hard to catch hares with unwilling hounds.
686. It is hard to find a pin in the dark.
687. It is hard to please every one.
688. It is hard to steal where the host is a thief.
689. It is hard to swim against the current.
690. It is hard to swim against the stream.
691. It is hard to teach old dogs to bark.
692. It is hasty speed that doesn't succeed.
693. It is ill catching hares with drums.
694. It is ill sailing against wind and tide.
695. It is ill sitting at Rome and striving with the Pope.
696. It is ill takin' the breeks off a highlandman.
697. It is not the cowl that makes the friar.
698. It is not the hen which cackles most that lays most eggs.
699. It is pleasant to cut thongs on another man's leather.
700. It is prophet-drink.