1386 Dutch Proverbs / Page 28
541. He that spares something to-day will have something to-morrow.
542. He that tickles himself, may laugh when he will.
543. He that well considers the world, must own he has never seen a better.
544. He that will cheat at play, will cheat you any way.
545. He that will conquer must fight.
546. He that will have eggs, must bear with cackling.
547. He that will have fire must bear with smoke.
548. He that will have no trouble in this world must not be born in it.
549. He that will have the kernel, must crack the shell.
550. He that will not be counselled cannot be helped.
551. He that would have the kernel must crack the shell.
552. He that would jest must take a jest, or else to let it alone were best.
553. He that would make a golden gate, must bring a nail to it daily.
554. He that would please all, and himself too, Undertakes what he cannot do.
555. He that's born to be hanged will never be drowned.
556. He that's long a giving, knows not how to give.
557. He thinks to catch shell-fish in the trees.
558. He waits long that waits for another main's death.
559. He wants for ever, who would more acquire.
560. He wants to fly before he has wings.