1386 Dutch Proverbs / Page 25
481. He is as poor as Job.
482. He is as sharp as a leaden dagger.
483. He is as welcome as the first day in Lent.
484. He is no merchant who always gains.
485. He is noble who performs noble deeds.
486. He is nobody's enemy but his own.
487. He is of the race of Johnny Van Cleeve; who would always much rather have than give.
488. He is so wise, that he goes upon the ice three days before it freezes.
489. He is too idle to fetch his breath.
490. He is too stupid to be trusted alone by the fire.
491. He keeps his word, as the sun keeps butter.
492. He lays his eggs beside his nest.
493. He lives in the land of promise.
494. He lives long who lives well.
495. He lords it like an eel in a tub.
496. He means well, but has a bad way of showing it.
497. He measures others by his own standard.
498. He must gape wide who would gape against an oven.
499. He must have crept out of hell while the devil was asleep.
500. He must indeed be a good master who never does wrong.