1386 Dutch Proverbs / Page 22
421. Good looking apples are sometimes sour.
422. Good right needs good help.
423. Good seed makes a good crop.
424. Good things require time.
425. Good tree, good fruit.
426. Good wine needs no bush.
427. Good wine praises itself.
428. Grass grows not upon the highway.
429. Grass is greener in other pastures.
430. Great boast. little roast.
431. Great cry and little wool, quoth the devil, when he sheared his hogs.
432. Great fishes break the net.
433. Great fools must have great bells.
434. Great gaps may be filled with small stones.
435. Great greediness to reap, helps not the money-heap.
436. Great promisers, bad paymasters.
437. Great talkers are little doers.
438. Great thieves hang little thieves.
439. Great wealth, great care.
440. Great weights may hang on small wires.