1492 Danish Proverbs / Page 7
121. A poor man's joy has much alloy.
122. A priest's pocket is not easily filled.
123. A princely mind will undo a private family.
124. A rich child often sits in a poor mother's lap.
125. A rich wife is a source of quarrel.
126. A rickety chair will not long serve as a seat.
127. A rod is better than a fox's brush.
128. A royal heart is often hid under a tattered cloak.
129. A scald head need strong lye.
130. A ship on the beach is a lighthouse to the sea.
131. A short cut is often a wrong cut.
132. A short rest is always good.
133. A silent man's words are not brought into court.
134. A silly song may be sung in many ways.
135. A single bag of money is stronger than two bags of truth.
136. A slight suspicion may destroy a good repute.
137. A slip of the foot may soon be recovered; but that of the tongue perhaps never.
138. A small bolt to the house is better than none at all.
139. A small cloud may hide both sun and moon.
140. A small fire that warms you, is better than a large one that burns you.