1492 Danish Proverbs / Page 68
1341. Under white ashes lie often glowing embers.
1342. Unwilling service earns no thanks.
1343. Unworthy offspring brag the most about their worthy descendants.
1344. Vice is learnt without a schoolmaster.
1345. Vice is most dangerous when it puts on the garb of virtue.
1346. Vipers breed vipers.
1347. Virtue in the middle, said the Devil, when seated between two lawyers.
1348. Want and necessity break faith and oaths.
1349. Want of variety leads to satiety.
1350. Wanton kittens make sober cats.
1351. Wash a dog, comb a dog, still a dog remains a dog.
1352. We are all well placed, said the cat, when she was seated on the bacon.
1353. We get too soon old and too late smart.
1354. We must bear our cross with patience, said the man when he took his wife on his back.
1355. We must eat a peck of dirt before we die.
1356. We must sow even after a bad harvest.
1357. We must suffer much, or die young.
1358. Weeds never die out.
1359. Weighty work must be done with few words.
1360. Welcome is the best cheer.