1492 Danish Proverbs / Page 66
1301. Throw not the child out with the bath.
1302. Throw not thy hatchet at the Lord, He will turn the sharp edge against thee.
1303. Thundershowers and great men's favour are always partial.
1304. Time is not tied to a post, like a horse to the manger.
1305. Time waits for no man.
1306. Time will tell.
1307. Time works wonders.
1308. To a friend's house the road is never long.
1309. To bait and to grease does not retard a journey.
1310. To be a fool at the right time is also an art.
1311. To circumstances and custom the law must yield.
1312. To cut into another's man's ear is like cutting into a felt hat.
1313. To give counsel to a fool is like throwing water on a goose.
1314. To God's council-chamber there is no key.
1315. To have a woman is bad; to lose her is worse.
1316. To know the law and do the right are two things.
1317. To live long is to suffer long.
1318. To promise is easy, to keep is troublesome.
1319. To tell the truth is dangerous; to listen to it is boring.
1320. To wait and be patient soothes many a pang.