World Proverbs / Chinese Proverbs

Proverb Origin: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

1852 Chinese Proverbs / Page 82

1621. To tell only half the truth is to give life to a new lie.. Chinese Proverb. To tell only half the truth is to give life to a new lie.

1622. To understand your parents' love you must raise children yourself.. Chinese Proverb. To understand your parents' love you must raise children yourself.

1623. To violate the law is the same crime in the emperor as in the subject.. Chinese Proverb. To violate the law is the same crime in the emperor as in the subject.

1624. Today's beneficiary is the incarnation of his preexisting well-doer; the fate of one's next existence lies in his existence today.. Chinese Proverb. Today's beneficiary is the incarnation of his preexisting well-doer; the fate of one's next existence lies in his existence today.

1625. Too much politeness conceals deceit.. Chinese Proverb. Too much politeness conceals deceit.

1626. Too much spirit shows a lack of it.. Chinese Proverb. Too much spirit shows a lack of it.

1627. Too often do we waste time chasing a gust of wind or grasping at shadows.. Chinese Proverb. Too often do we waste time chasing a gust of wind or grasping at shadows.

1628. Transgressions should never be forgiven a third time.. Chinese Proverb. Transgressions should never be forgiven a third time.

1629. Treat thoughts as guests and wishes as children.. Chinese Proverb. Treat thoughts as guests and wishes as children.

1630. Trees have already been made into a boat.. Chinese Proverb. Trees have already been made into a boat.

1631. True words may not be pleasant, pleasant words may not be true.. Chinese Proverb. True words may not be pleasant, pleasant words may not be true.

1632. Turn iron (or stone) into gold by the touch.. Chinese Proverb. Turn iron (or stone) into gold by the touch.

1633. Two barrels of tears will not heal a bruise.. Chinese Proverb. Two barrels of tears will not heal a bruise.

1634. Two good talkers are not worth one good listener.. Chinese Proverb. Two good talkers are not worth one good listener.

1635. Two leaps per chasm is fatal.. Chinese Proverb. Two leaps per chasm is fatal.

1636. Two tigers cannot share one mountain (forest).. Chinese Proverb. Two tigers cannot share one mountain (forest).

1637. Unjustly obtained wealth is as snow sprinkled with hot water.. Chinese Proverb. Unjustly obtained wealth is as snow sprinkled with hot water.

1638. Unles we change direction, we are likely to wind up where we are headed.. Chinese Proverb. Unles we change direction, we are likely to wind up where we are headed.

1639. Unless there is opposing wind, a kite cannot rise.. Chinese Proverb. Unless there is opposing wind, a kite cannot rise.

1640. Unless we change direction, we are likely to end up where we are headed.. Chinese Proverb. Unless we change direction, we are likely to end up where we are headed.

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