World Proverbs / Chinese Proverbs

Proverb Origin: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

1852 Chinese Proverbs / Page 60

1181. Pluck flowers as they bloom; wait and you'll have only the twigs.. Chinese Proverb. Pluck flowers as they bloom; wait and you'll have only the twigs.

1182. Point at the mulberry and abuse the pagoda tree.. Chinese Proverb. Point at the mulberry and abuse the pagoda tree.

1183. Politeness wins the confidence of princes.. Chinese Proverb. Politeness wins the confidence of princes.

1184. Politics makes strange bedfellows.. Chinese Proverb. Politics makes strange bedfellows.

1185. Pouring oil on the fire is not the way to quench it.. Chinese Proverb. Pouring oil on the fire is not the way to quench it.

1186. Pouring water from above the roof of a tall building.. Chinese Proverb. Pouring water from above the roof of a tall building.

1187. Poverty and ugliness are difficult to hide.. Chinese Proverb. Poverty and ugliness are difficult to hide.

1188. Practice no vice because it's trivial; neglect no virtue because it's so.. Chinese Proverb. Practice no vice because it's trivial; neglect no virtue because it's so.

1189. Praise the sea, but keep on land.. Chinese Proverb. Praise the sea, but keep on land.

1190. Prescribe the right medicine for a symptom.. Chinese Proverb. Prescribe the right medicine for a symptom.

1191. Present Buddha with borrowed flowers.. Chinese Proverb. Present Buddha with borrowed flowers.

1192. Present to the eye, present to the mind.. Chinese Proverb. Present to the eye, present to the mind.

1193. Priests return to the temple, merchants to the shop.. Chinese Proverb. Priests return to the temple, merchants to the shop.

1194. Procrastination is the thief of time.. Chinese Proverb. Procrastination is the thief of time.

1195. Public before private and country before family.. Chinese Proverb. Public before private and country before family.

1196. Pull a strand of silk from a tangled mass.. Chinese Proverb. Pull a strand of silk from a tangled mass.

1197. Pure gold does not fear furnace.. Chinese Proverb. Pure gold does not fear furnace.

1198. Pure gold does not fear the smelter.. Chinese Proverb. Pure gold does not fear the smelter.

1199. Put one person's hat on another's head.. Chinese Proverb. Put one person's hat on another's head.

1200. Putting out a fire while holding firewood.. Chinese Proverb. Putting out a fire while holding firewood.

1852 Chinese Proverbs, Page 60 of 93
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