World Proverbs / Chinese Proverbs

Proverb Origin: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

1852 Chinese Proverbs / Page 46

901. Jade and men, both are sharpened by bitter tools.. Chinese Proverb. Jade and men, both are sharpened by bitter tools.

902. Jails are always closed yet full, while temples are always open yet empty.. Chinese Proverb. Jails are always closed yet full, while temples are always open yet empty.

903. Jam tomorrow and jam yesterday, but never jam today.. Chinese Proverb. Jam tomorrow and jam yesterday, but never jam today.

904. Judge not the horse by his saddle.. Chinese Proverb. Judge not the horse by his saddle.

905. Just as a medicine may not cure a serious illness, wine will certainly not dispel your grief.. Chinese Proverb. Just as a medicine may not cure a serious illness, wine will certainly not dispel your grief.

906. Just as tall trees are known by their shadows, so are good men known by their enemies.. Chinese Proverb. Just as tall trees are known by their shadows, so are good men known by their enemies.

907. Just because men do not like the cold, Heaven will not stop the winter.. Chinese Proverb. Just because men do not like the cold, Heaven will not stop the winter.

908. Just scales and full measure injure no man.. Chinese Proverb. Just scales and full measure injure no man.

909. Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps the singing bird will come.. Chinese Proverb. Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps the singing bird will come.

910. Keep your broken arm inside your sleeve.. Chinese Proverb. Keep your broken arm inside your sleeve.

911. Keep your chin up.. Chinese Proverb. Keep your chin up.

912. Kill a chicken before a monkey.. Chinese Proverb. Kill a chicken before a monkey.

913. Kill a hen to get the egg.. Chinese Proverb. Kill a hen to get the egg.

914. Kill one to warn a hundred.. Chinese Proverb. Kill one to warn a hundred.

915. Kill the chicken to frighten the monkey.. Chinese Proverb. Kill the chicken to frighten the monkey.

916. Kill two vultures with one arrow.. Chinese Proverb. Kill two vultures with one arrow.

917. Killing a bad monarch is not to be considered murder but justice.. Chinese Proverb. Killing a bad monarch is not to be considered murder but justice.

918. Killing a man to save the world, does not save the world.. Chinese Proverb. Killing a man to save the world, does not save the world.

919. Killing the dog does not heal the bite.. Chinese Proverb. Killing the dog does not heal the bite.

920. Kindle not a fire you cannot put out.. Chinese Proverb. Kindle not a fire you cannot put out.

1852 Chinese Proverbs, Page 46 of 93
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