591 Arabic Proverbs / Page 3
41. All sunshine makes a desert.
42. Among the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
43. An army of sheep led by a lion would defeat an army of lions led by a sheep.
44. An excellent appearance, an empty pocket.
45. An excuse is sometime more ugly than a guilt.
46. An ugly woman's husband better be blind.
47. An unshod mocks a shoe.
48. Any water in the desert will do.
49. Arrogance diminishes wisdom.
50. Arrogance is a weed that grows mostly on a dunghill.
51. Arrogance over the arrogant is modesty.
52. Ask for a science that would be useful to you, would keep you from harm and shame, then elevate you.
53. Ask the experienced rather than the learned.
54. Ask thy purse what thou should'st buy.
55. At the narrow passage there is no brother and no friend.
56. Ate and praised is better than ate and was silence.
57. Avoid the company of a liar. And if you can't avoid him, don't believe him.
58. Avoid what will require an apology.
59. Be aware of the idiot, for he is like an old dress. Every time you patch it, the wind will tear it back again.
60. Be careful of your enemy once and of your friend a thousand times, for a double crossing friend knows more evil.