591 Arabic Proverbs / Page 28
541. Unity is power.
542. Visit rarely, and you will be more loved.
543. Wait 'til your ass crosses the bridge.
544. Warmer than burning charcoal.
545. Watching what you say is your best friend.
546. We were silenced by our patience, he entered with his donkey.
547. Weaker than a spider's net.
548. Wealth comes like a turtle and goes away like a gazelle.
549. Went to Haj while pilgrims are coming back.
550. What can an old harlot do but repent of her misdeeds?
551. What is learned in youth is carved in stone.
552. What is learnt in the cradle lasts to the grave.
553. What starts with a condition ends with out any oppression.
554. When a blind man dies, he is praised as having beautiful eyes.
555. When a door opens not to your knock, consider your reputation.
556. When the reason is known, there will be no more shock.
557. When what you want doesn't happen, learn to want what does.
558. When you are dead, your sister's tears will dry as time goes on, your widow's tears will cease in another's arms, but your mother will mourn you until she dies.
559. When you cannot bite a hand, kiss it.
560. When you mention 'dog,' you should get a stick.