591 Arabic Proverbs / Page 20
381. Opinion comes before the bravery of the braves.
382. Oppose your affection to find rationality.
383. Our parents planted so we ate, and we plant for our children to eat.
384. Out of desperation he calls the cat 'madam'.
385. Outer beauty is no good, give me inner beauty.
386. Paradise is under mothers' feet.
387. Paradise without people is not worth living in..
388. Patience is beautiful.
389. People are enemies of that which they don't know.
390. People are equal like the teeth of a comb..
391. People are for each other.
392. People are slaves to charity/ good deeds.
393. People don't thank someone who doesn't thank God.
394. People follow the religion/ ways of their kings.
395. People follow the winner.
396. People of the cave's slumber.
397. Pick the lesser of the two evils.
398. Plant each day and you will eat.
399. prepare for the evil dog a dog who's equal to it.
400. Protect your brother's privacy for what he knows of you.