591 Arabic Proverbs / Page 18
341. More silent than the earth.
342. More tame than a dog.
343. More tearful than an orphan.
344. More treacherous than a wolf.
345. More vicious than a snake.
346. More watchful than a dog.
347. Movement is a blessing.
348. My feet took me to my death.
349. My friends are like stars, pick one and it'll guide you.
350. Need excavates the trick.
351. Needle in a haystack.
352. Never give advice in a crowd.
353. never let your tongue hit your neck.
354. Never speak ill of the dead.
355. No crowd ever waited at the gates of patience.
356. No cure, no pay.
357. No one says, 'my yogurt is sour.'
358. O! Count the waves of the sea Goha. Goha said the comings are more than what passed.
359. O! Count thy sheep Goha. Goha said one is asleep and the other is awake.
360. O! mother, the moon is at the door.