591 Arabic Proverbs / Page 15
281. Like an ostrich: cannot fly and cannot bear burdens.
282. Like someone trying to capture water in his fist.
283. Like the man who shields himself with a spiders home.
284. Like the needle which clothes others while remaining naked.
285. Literal meaning: Cooking fat on honey.
286. Literal meaning: Give me long life and throw me in the sea.
287. Literal meaning: Give the dough to baker even if he eats half of it.
288. Literal meaning: He left the party without having Hommos.
289. Literal meaning: Save your white penny for your black day.
290. Literal meaning: The fisherman is the shark's friend.
291. Literal meaning: The friend in tight times.
292. Literal meaning: The gauge has overflown.
293. Literal meaning: The people's lord is their servant.
294. Literal meaning: The sultan's sword is long.
295. Live together like brothers and do business like strangers.
296. longer than a sepration day.
297. Longer than the winter's night.
298. Love is blind.
299. Loving your country is pious.
300. Luck in the sky and brains in the ground.