World Proverbs / Arabic Proverbs

Proverb Origin: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

591 Arabic Proverbs / Page 15

281. Like an ostrich: cannot fly and cannot bear burdens.. Arabic Proverb. Like an ostrich: cannot fly and cannot bear burdens.

282. Like someone trying to capture water in his fist.. Arabic Proverb. Like someone trying to capture water in his fist.

283. Like the man who shields himself with a spiders home.. Arabic Proverb. Like the man who shields himself with a spiders home.

284. Like the needle which clothes others while remaining naked.. Arabic Proverb. Like the needle which clothes others while remaining naked.

285. Literal meaning: Cooking fat on honey.. Arabic Proverb. Literal meaning: Cooking fat on honey.

286. Literal meaning: Give me long life and throw me in the sea.. Arabic Proverb. Literal meaning: Give me long life and throw me in the sea.

287. Literal meaning: Give the dough to baker even if he eats half of it.. Arabic Proverb. Literal meaning: Give the dough to baker even if he eats half of it.

288. Literal meaning: He left the party without having Hommos.. Arabic Proverb. Literal meaning: He left the party without having Hommos.

289. Literal meaning: Save your white penny for your black day.. Arabic Proverb. Literal meaning: Save your white penny for your black day.

290. Literal meaning: The fisherman is the shark's friend.. Arabic Proverb. Literal meaning: The fisherman is the shark's friend.

291. Literal meaning: The friend in tight times.. Arabic Proverb. Literal meaning: The friend in tight times.

292. Literal meaning: The gauge has overflown.. Arabic Proverb. Literal meaning: The gauge has overflown.

293. Literal meaning: The people's lord is their servant.. Arabic Proverb. Literal meaning: The people's lord is their servant.

294. Literal meaning: The sultan's sword is long.. Arabic Proverb. Literal meaning: The sultan's sword is long.

295. Live together like brothers and do business like strangers.. Arabic Proverb. Live together like brothers and do business like strangers.

296. longer than a sepration day.. Arabic Proverb. longer than a sepration day.

297. Longer than the winter's night.. Arabic Proverb. Longer than the winter's night.

298. Love is blind.. Arabic Proverb. Love is blind.

299. Loving your country is pious.. Arabic Proverb. Loving your country is pious.

300. Luck in the sky and brains in the ground.. Arabic Proverb. Luck in the sky and brains in the ground.

591 Arabic Proverbs, Page 15 of 30
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